Next Steps

If you are already plan managed, we can start working together.

If you are self managed but don’t want to deal with the hassle of managing your/your child’s plan, contact your Early Childhood Partner or Local Area Coordinator and request to become plan managed.

1. Initial Meeting

Contact us if you want to know more or if you’re ready to go, Register for our services. We’ll arrange a phone or web-based meeting to explain our services, discuss how you intend to use your plan, set budgets and confirm your invoice and communication preferences.

2. Notify providers

Once we are appointed as your plan manager, your service providers are notified and send their invoices to us. We will work with your providers and resolve any billing issues.

3. Process payments

We review and verify invoices, request approval if required, submit approved claims and pay providers directly.

4. Regular reporting

We send you monthly reports to show how your plan is tracking against the budgets. We raise any concerns with you along the way and answer your questions as your plan progresses.

Register for our services